Strength through Will-Power -Contd - 6 - creativeworld9

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Strength through Will-Power -Contd - 6

We should believe that we have infinite possibilities within us. If we are prone to commit mistakes because of our lower animal or biological nature, we must remember that we also have something divine in us. We should try our best to manifest this divinity within us. We should assert our higher self and be always conscious of the elevated dimensions of life. This is possible only when we cultivate shraddha, alma sht-addha. Tremendous self-confidence is what this implies—self-confidence that goes a long way in recovering faith. It helps us in no mean measure to develop our will-power which we have seen is the pivot of all achievements in life.

This point may appear slightly paradoxical. We have to have firm faith to develop will-power and in its turn will-power gives us firm faith. We have to be conscious of our divine heritage and believe that we have unlimited power within. We have to tap the source ofpower within and cultivate the attitude that we are not tiny little creatures breaking down at the smallest provocation. We are the children of immortal bliss. All power is invested in us. Once we come to have this faith we will be able to manifest, in the real sense of the term, tremendous power that is inside us. Thereby we will be successful in developing will-power.

Of course, all this follows only if we develop will-power with the help of Swamiji's assurance: "You are the children of immortal bliss. Who says you are sinners? Forget about your past mistakes." The next step is to develop love for our intrinsic divine nature. The more love we develop towards the truth o four real being, the more will we succeed in developing will power or ichha shaka.

A question may be asked whether it is possible to develop will-power overnight? The answer is "No". We may have to pass through long periods of tremendous struggle. No success is possible without working hard for it and there is no joy in achieving success without effort. We must, therefore, prepare for a tremendous struggle. We may not succeed overnight but ultimately victory is assured.

Here we have to take one thing into consideration. Once we are inspired by Swamiji's words and we develop love for the truth of our inner divinity, then we should resolve that no hypothetical fear be allowed to sabotage our self-confidence or inner energy. We should keep the memory of Swamiji's words constantly in our mind that we are not sinners, that we are the children of immortal bliss.

Strength through Will-Power -Contd - 6 Reviewed by creativeworld9 on 1:06 PM Rating: 5 We should believe that we have infinite possibilities within us. If we are prone to commit mistakes because of our lower animal or biologi...

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