Strength through Will-Power - Contd- 4 - creativeworld9

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Monday, August 13, 2012

Strength through Will-Power - Contd- 4

While discussing the efficacy of developing will power I would like to quote Swami Vivekananda. In soul-stirring words he once said, "Stand up, be bold and strong. Know that you are the creator of your own destiny. All the strength and succour you need is within you." It is a very inspiring message. It tells us in no uncertain terms that we should have tremendous faith in ourselves.

An instance in the life of Swamiji is also worth recalling. About a week before Swamiji passed away, one of his disciples came to him. He was Sarat Chandra Chakrabarty. He was in a very restless frame of mind, and in an agitated manner he came rushing to his guru at the Belur Math. The conversation that took place between them has been recorded in a book called Swami Shisya Sambad. We are told that in spite of being initiated by Swamiji, Sarat Chandra failed to meditate properly. He lacked the will power to concentrate his mind. That day he had made up his mind to ask his guru for a solution to this problem. He was worried that in spite of having such an exceptional guru, the most illustmus disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, Ile was a failure in inward life.

Vivekananda could fathom what was in his disciple's mind. That day Swamiji was taking a walk on the bank of the Ganga. In those days there was no big temple dedicated to Sri Ramakrishna or holy Mother at Belur Math. There was only Vivekananda's quarters, monastery and kitchen. In such a place when Swamiji was walking, his disciple approached him with his problem. As soon as Sarat Chandra saluted Swamiji, the latter knew the reason for this visit and told him not to say anything at that time. Instead Swamiji asked his beloved disciple to meet him in his room after the evening arati. They would then be alone and could find a solution to the problem in peace.

Naturally the disciple was overjoyed to get this assurance from his guru. He would get an opportunity to have his guru absolutely to himself which is a rare privilege for a disciple. Sarat Chandra then went to the old temple and attended the arati. After that he silently went to Swamiji's room and found his gum absorbed in deep meditation. l le thought that it was a great privilege to see Swamiji in such a state. He should not unload his mind or disturb his guru at such a moment. Silently he took his position in one corner of the room and sat observing Swamiji.

Strength through Will-Power - Contd- 4 Reviewed by creativeworld9 on 1:00 PM Rating: 5 While discussing the efficacy of developing will power I would like to quote Swami Vivekananda. In soul-stirring words he once said, ...

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