Strength through Will-Power - Contd- 3 - creativeworld9

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Strength through Will-Power - Contd- 3

A question which comes to our mind is whether will power can be increased. The answer is, yes. Our past failures should not dishearten us. Let me recount an incident which happened in the life of Saint Augustine, a famous Christian saint who wrote a very valuable book called Confessions of Saint Augustine. Ile suffered from a great conflict. He would make pious resolutions but failed to carry them out due to a weak will power. Everyday he made an attempt and every day he failed. He thought that his was a hopeless case. He would say that for one more day he would lead an immoral life, enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, have a moral holiday and he would reform the next day. In this way he continued to postpone his resolution to be good and the prickings of his conscience made him suffer terrible conflict.

One day he prayed to Jesus and opened a page in the Bible. The thought came to his mind that he should not postpone his effort to the next day, that he should implement it on the same day. God gave him tremendous strength. Ile could turn over a new leaf and recovered his faith in himself. It was all due to the increase in his will power. Though Saint Augustine led an immoral life he had the moral courage to confess his sins and the ability to rise above them.

Another instance closer to us is that of a householder disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, Girish Chandra Ghosh. If we study his life and read about him in the Gospel we fend Sri Ratnakrishna blessing Girish wholeheartedly. The reason for this unique blessing is that Girish had one virtue among all his numerous vices, and that was unlimited and unshakeable faith. After meeting and being influenced by Sri Ramakrishna he constantly told people about the tremendous trans-formation that had taken place in him. He committed various sins but never gave up hope. This made it possible for him to be transformed from an abject sinner to a great saint.

These examples illustrate that we should not be discouraged by past failures. Instead of feeling disheartened we should increase will power so that our past failures need not be our future failures too. What we need to realise is that there should be a determined effort on our part. Like Saint Augustine we should resolve to do today what we would like to postpone for tomorrow. It is never too late to become pure, good and strong.

Strength through Will-Power - Contd- 3 Reviewed by creativeworld9 on 11:07 AM Rating: 5 A question which comes to our mind is whether will power can be increased. The answer is, yes. Our past failures should not dishearten us....



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